preschool Brezovica
preschool Brezovica • roof as garden
preschool Brezovica • space for creativity
preschool Brezovica • bright and clean multifunctional spaces
preschool Brezovica • inside and outside

Preschool Brezovica is an idea concept at a public architectural-urban competition for the building of preschool in Brezovica.


The architecture, besides its basic constructive and utility function, also affects in an intellectual way their users and observers. Preschool is a specific program in which children have the main part, so it is necessary to have in mind a vision of children’s possibilities, understandings, upgrades, and their learning about space, moving, and playing.


The preschool is conceived in a way in which children are being educated about sustainable living – by using whole architecture and all the preschool areas for playing, learning, breeding flowers and cultivating roof garden, collecting rainwater for watering fruits and vegetables, creating electrical and thermal energy and separating of biodegradable waste. Children learn fast about recycling, biodegradability, compostability in rural areas, which significantly affects the child’s awareness and their approach to the environment as adults. The shape of the garden is a free line, snake, lobworm, or worm – which winds so that its facade can capture a lot of light and absorbs natural impacts forming micro spaces around itself. The roof is passable and it provides a view that extends up to 50 km. The preschool is organized as one line of movement on which various contents are arranged.


The leading idea was to approach children with the architectural concept of space so that they can understand where they are, understand spatial possibilities and logic of moving, and learn to see the space from different perspectives,… and all that in order to sense the freedom and diversity and to be able one day to express the same experience towards their own space.




public space, kindergarten


concept, competition




Brezovica, Zagreb, Croatia, Europe

gross surface area:

2372 sqm


ATMOSFERA ™, Bernarda Silov, m.arch., Davor Silov, m.arch.


  • Bernarda Silov, m.arch.
  • Davor Silov, m.arch.
  • Kristina Rogic, m.arch.
  • Petra Vlahek, stud.arch.
  • visualization: ATMOSFERA ™/ Petra Vlahek, stud.arch.